The Mentoring programme

The Mentoring programme is implemented with the support of students in more advanced years (Mentors) who, on a voluntary basis, with their experiences and academic experiences, accompany recent students (Mentees), to facilitate their integration and adaptation.

Mentees may be from 1st year, 1st or 2nd cycle students entering Técnico for the first time, or international mobility students


Every year, Técnico receives more than 2000 students on 1st and 2nd cycle courses, with three main groups standing out: 1st Cycle, Mobility and 2nd Cycle Students.

Thus, each Mentor will have a very important and intervening role in the academic and social lives of these students, aiming to speed up the adaptation and learning process. The needs that each Mentee presents depend on several factors, focusing mainly on academic, social and personal aspects..

Candidata-te a Mentor/a!


Candidata-te a Mentor/a!

The Mentoring Programme, although constantly evolving, is based on three main pillars of intervention:

  • Support Mentees in their welcome and encourage integration into their new School, promoting the spirit of cooperation;
  • Develop skills, complementary to academic training, through participation in personal and professional development activities, and recreational initiatives;
  • ABring together all parties involved in the Mentoring programme, encouraging networking in an accessible and informal way.